2018 elections

Fulcher, Malek outraise rivals in GOP congressional race

Russ Fulcher’s $100,421 haul from July to September includes a $35,000 personal loan to his campaign.

Russ Fulcher, candidate for Congress

Russ Fulcher says he would like to see the federal government get out of the education business. But the former state senator and current congressional candidate knows it isn’t that simple.

Nonini files paperwork for lieutenant governor

Sen. Bob Nonini — a Senate Education Committee member and former House Education Committee chairman — is the fifth Republican to file for lieutenant governor.

Dave Leroy, candidate for Congress

The former lieutenant governor and attorney general says the nation has a unique opportunity to repair “wreckage” in federal spending, health care and education, among other topics.

Luke Malek, candidate for Congress

Republican congressional candidate Luke Malek isn’t sold on dismantling a federal Education Department that provides $264 million a year to Idaho schools.

Horman rules out run for state superintendent

Rep. Wendy Horman, R-Idaho Falls, is a key Statehouse figure on education topics. She will instead run for a fourth term in the Legislature.

Raul Labrador, candidate for governor

“If we’re going to take some of the credit then I think we need to take some of the blame at the governor’s office,” gubernatorial candidate and U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador said this week.

Tommy Ahlquist, candidate for governor

The Boise developer and physician pledges to cut spending, pursue vouchers and take a no-task-force approach to education. “Some of it is tone and urgency.”

Brad Little, candidate for governor

Lt. Gov. Brad Little is one of three big-name Republicans seeking to succeed retiring Gov. Butch Otter. Here are his thoughts on Idaho education topics.

The politics of the Labrador-Kustra feud

On Monday, U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador said it might be time for Boise State University President Bob Kustra to step aside.