Common Core
Common Core exams: Where Idaho stands
Idaho Department of Education officials believe new exams — tied to Common Core — will better measure analytical skills and knowledge in math and English language arts. But Idaho is also planning a P.R. campaign to explain the test results to parents and stakeholders.
Common Core cluelessness: a sobering survey
Fifty-two percent of parents say they’ve heard “only a little” or “nothing at all” about the Common Core standards, which are being launched in Idaho and 44 other states.
Common Core author offers inside look
Ohio State’s Bradford Findell said new standards are designed to test students key understanding of subjects and push them to develop reasoning skills and discuss how they arrived at an answer.
The most important standard
We need to embrace the courage to move beyond what we thought was working, and re-envision education to deliver our best.
Summer assignment: Prep for Common Core
From Nampa, here’s a look at the obstacles, and expectations.
Will legislators revisit Common Core?
The House and Senate education committees endorsed Common Core in 2011. But in the face of vocal opposition, will the 2014 Legislature take another look at the standards — even while schools are teaching to them?
Mom becomes activist to oppose Idaho Core
Stephanie Zimmerman takes on Idaho’s political, education establishments.
Coalition forms to support Idaho Core
Find out which 18 powerful Idaho organizations have bonded in support of new K-12 teaching standards to be implemented this fall.
Common Core opponents plan forum
National educators who oppose Common Core State Standards will be in Boise on Saturday, July 27, to share their ideas and findings.
Common Core readiness: Idaho’s grades mixed
Idaho gets middle-of-the-pack grades in a new national study on the Common Core transition. However, according to the report, “no state is performing as well as we need it to.”