
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

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Boise School District lifts mask mandate for the fall

Parent and staff surveys indicated that face coverings are not a priority. Surveys also said the district should continue to monitor community COVID cases.

CDC relaxes school mask guidelines

The new back-to-school guidelines also emphasize the importance of COVID-19 vaccines. Child vaccination rates in Idaho have sputtered.

Analysis: Could the delta variant stop a ‘normal’ school year before it starts?

The new and more transmittable version of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the nation. Some experts say the variant poses new risks to unvaccinated people — including children.

K-12 case numbers slowed significantly in 2021, according to final state report

The dropoff in case numbers coincided with the availability of COVID-19 vaccines. K-12 teachers and staffers were among the first Idahoans who were eligible to receive the vaccine.

Coronavirus trendline, 6.11.21: Vaccination numbers show signs of an uptick

Another encouraging metric: Only 3.9 percent of coronavirus tests came back positive, the lowest rate since June 2020.

Coronavirus trendline, 6.4.21: New case numbers approach a one-year low

For the first time in almost a year, Idaho has reported fewer than 1,000 new coronavirus cases for the week.

Parents take to the Capitol to protest mask mandates

Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin responded to Gov. Brad Little during the closing comments of the anti-mask protest.

K-12 case numbers continue to decrease

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reported at least 63 K-12 cases for an eight-day period ending Monday. That’s a decrease from 79 cases the preceding week.

Coronavirus trendline, 5.28.21: Mask drama rages, new case numbers remain flat

New case numbers remained steady. Vaccination numbers continued their freefall, reaching a four-month low.

Seniors enjoy a traditional sendoff

One year ago, schools had to change graduation plans to meet local gathering restrictions amid the pandemic. But this year, most schools are holding graduations as normal.