
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

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Campus coronavirus roundup, 5.3.21: Cases rise at U of I, fall off elsewhere

The University of Idaho last week reported 27 active cases, more cases than all of the state’s other colleges and universities, combined.

Coronavirus trendline, 4.30.21: Vaccination numbers continue to tail off

While vaccination numbers slowed considerably, new case numbers were virtually unchanged from the previous week.

K-12 coronavirus case numbers again increase slightly

Most of the week’s school hotspots were centered in Ada and Elmore counties.

Campus coronavirus roundup, 4.26.21: Cases inch upward at Boise State, BYU-Idaho

Spring semester is winding down across the state. This week, Idaho State University is on a delayed spring break; next week, the semester will wrap up online.

Coronavirus trendline, 4.23.21: New case numbers drop — but so do vaccination numbers

New case numbers dropped again this week, remaining at numbers not seen since last summer. Vaccination numbers dropped to their lowest point since late February.

K-12 coronavirus cases increase slightly

The state reported at least 108 K-12 coronavirus cases last week. Since mid-February, the schools have averaged about 97 cases weekly.

Campus coronavirus roundup, 4.19.21: An increase at U of I, decreases on several other sites

U of I officials attributed the increase, in part, to an unspecified “small pocket of cases that has been addressed.”

Coronavirus trendline, 4.16.21: Weekly case numbers fall to a 10-month low

The dropoff in statewide case numbers comes as the state passed a somber milestone, 13 months into the pandemic. On Tuesday, Idaho recorded its 2,000th COVID-19 death.

New K-12 coronavirus cases drop somewhat

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reported at least 99 K-12 cases for a seven-day period ending Sunday, down from 111 new cases the previous week.

Campus coronavirus roundup, 4.12.21: A week of low numbers, and a few modest increases

Last week, six colleges and universities reported no new coronavirus cases, or just a single active case. Boise State University reported the highest number of active cases, and a slight increase from the previous increase.