
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

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Campus coronavirus cases creep upward, positive case rates stay low

Boise State University, the University of Idaho and Lewis-Clark State College reported positive test rates well below the overall state average.

Statehouse showdown escalates; Little accuses legislators of pushing misinformation

House Republicans said Little’s remarks have further complicated the situation.

One step closer to normal: teachers line up for vaccine

“I’m ready to get rid of this mask and hope everybody else can do it too,” one teacher said.

Legislative roundup, 1.21.21: Charter funding bill surfaces

The House Education Committee will hold a public hearing on the bill Monday.

Little calls for more spectators at high school sporting events

No new details on crowd size limits were released Wednesday, but a new athletics plan could be announced in the next 48 hours.

Little activates additional National Guard troops for COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Teachers and school staff serving pre-K through grade 12 remain in the state’s vaccine priority group.

K-12 coronavirus summary, 1.18.21: In an abbreviated reporting period, numbers decrease

Through Friday, Health and Welfare has linked at least 5,447 coronavirus cases to K-12 students and teachers.

Campus coronavirus roundup: Vaccines offer hope, but not immediately

It could be months before college staff and students can access a coronavirus vaccine. The state has no plans to move college students or employees up the line for vaccines.

Coronavirus trendline, 1.15.21: Case numbers, and other metrics, show signs of improvement

The decrease in new case numbers comes as the state prepares to provide coronavirus vaccines to K-12 teachers and employees.

Small crowds return to high school sports events

It’s not the same environment with the governor’s orders in place, but players and parents have returned to gyms across Idaho.