
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

Coronavirus trendline, 11.13.20: Where Idaho stands, eight months in

All the key numbers are careening in the wrong direction. Case numbers peaked again — for the sixth successive week. Idaho reported its deadliest week in the pandemic. And hospitalizations far exceeded the state’s targets.

Analysis: In a pandemic, colleges struggle even more to attract Idaho graduates

Before COVID-19, only 45 percent of Idaho high school graduates went straight to college. Apparently, the pandemic is making matters worse.

NNU issues stay-in-place order

Since Nov. 2, Northwest Nazarene University has reported 37 confirmed coronavirus cases — 29 involving on-campus students.

Audio: ‘Idaho Matters,’ 11.10.20

Miss Tuesday’s “Idaho Matters” on Boise State Public Radio? Catch the audio here.

Boise fills vacant school board seat, addresses COVID spread

Businesswoman Elizabeth Langley was appointed to fill the seat former trustee Troy Rohn vacated this fall.

K-12 coronavirus case numbers climb sharply — again

The state reported at least 326 new coronavirus cases in K-12 schools last week — a 64 percent increase from the previous week.

Utah governor reverses course, issues mask mandate

For months, Idaho Gov. Brad Little has resisted a statewide mask mandate. Little will continue to support local leaders “who make tough decisions to protect our at-risk citizens,” a spokeswoman said Monday.

Campus coronavirus roundup, 11.09.20: Case numbers (and testing) ramp up at Boise State

Cases also increased sharply at Northwest Nazarene University, but decreased at the University of Idaho, Idaho State University and Lewis-Clark State College.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (11.06.20 edition)

For the fifth successive week, Idaho’s new coronavirus case numbers set a sobering record.

Rapid COVID tests are available to school staff, but testing strategy varies

Testing is underway, but some school officials prefer to pay for other tests.