
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

As coronavirus cases rise, Boise downplays connection to classrooms

Boise trustees will meet Monday night, and the district says they are “scheduled to hear a report from local medical experts that the district’s school operations are not contributing to community spread of COVID-19.”

Campus coronavirus roundup, 11.02.20: Case numbers decrease on most campuses

Boise State University reported its lowest number of new cases in seven weeks. The University of Idaho’s numbers fell to a six-week low and Idaho State University reported a four-week low.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (10.30.20 edition)

This isn’t a good combination. For the fourth consecutive week, Idaho’s coronavirus case numbers increased at record levels. Meanwhile, Idaho recorded its deadliest week in the pandemic.

Analysis: Little stays on message, and loses the room

Gov. Brad Little put a few coronavirus restrictions back in place Monday, drawing fire from across the political spectrum. This public relations clunker could signal some lingering political problems.

Young students lost ground in reading during COVID-19 disruptions

Overall proficiency among students in grades K-3 was the lowest recorded since at least 2015. Just under half of all students started this year reading at grade level.

IEA on Idaho coronavirus response: ‘We are in a crisis’

“We have little confidence that the move … will keep students and educators safe in many areas of the state,” union president Layne McInelly said Tuesday.

Little moves Idaho back to Stage 3 of coronavirus reopening plan

The order won’t change operations at schools, where local officials still hold the power to make decisions.

Campus coronavirus roundup, 10.26.20: Numbers spike at NIC, decrease at several other schools

Sixteen North Idaho College students and six staff members have self-reported a positive test since Oct. 18, up from six students and three employees the previous week.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (10.23.20 edition)

Another week, another grim Idaho coronavirus milestone. For the first time, new weekly cases eclipsed the 5,000 mark.

Analysis: Trustees have the power to reopen schools. And everything that comes with it.

“It’s just an impossible situation,” said Troy Rohn. “I don’t know why anyone would want to do it.” Rohn should know. Until September, he served on Boise’s school board.