
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

Boise schools could begin reopening Sept. 21 — but gradually

Pre-K through second-grade students would be the first children back in school, under Boise’s reopening plan outlined Thursday.

U of I reports 24 new coronavirus cases; positive test rate unchanged

So far, the University of Idaho has administered 7,552 coronavirus tests and has received 83 positive results, a 1.1 percent positive rate.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (8.28.20 edition)

New coronavirus case numbers slowed this week — slightly — but Idaho’s reported its deadliest week in the coronavirus pandemic.

Boise State suspends fraternities, students over large gatherings

“In order to remain open, we must have the cooperation of all of our students,” dean of students Chris Wuthrich said Friday. “Students who do not comply with university policies and orders will face sanctions, including removal from campus.”

Boise district reports 32 coronavirus cases

The count includes students and staff cases since June 22.

Analysis: Lawmakers wish away a pandemic

Lawmakers wanted to send a message this week: Idaho is done with the coronavirus. The numbers suggest the coronavirus isn’t done with Idaho.

‘It’s a really tough situation:’ Working parents navigate virtual learning

“I don’t feel like it’s ever going to be what it could be if the kids were in the classroom,” one parent said.

‘I am full of anxiety, dread and excitement:’ One student’s perspective on life on campus

In a column in Boise State University’s student newspaper, the Arbiter, Paige Wirta says she has decided to live on campus, in part, to safeguard her parents from coronavirus.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (8.21.20 edition)

This week, new coronavirus case numbers grew at their slowest pace in nearly two months. However, the state reported increased COVID-19 deaths and hospitalization rates.

Little pushes for safety as schools face reopening challenges

Little said his default position is that he wants schools to be open.