
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

Little’s week: special session negotiations and coronavirus updates

With a special legislative session planned for next week, Gov. Brad Little has a standing meeting every afternoon this week with Senate President Pro Tem Brent Hill and House Speaker Scott Bedke.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (8.14.20 edition)

New coronavirus case numbers and hospitalization rates crept up slightly this week, but the state’s COVID-19 death rate slowed somewhat.

Middleton wants to write its own reopening metrics

Trustees also postponed the start of school by three weeks. In other news, more counties are under mask mandates.

ISBA director urges school boards to follow public health guidance

Even though the guidance is nonbinding, ISBA leaders said ignoring it could open schools up to lawsuits even if the Legislature passes liability protection.

Caldwell pivots to start school online this fall

Trustees abandoned a plan to reopen with hybrid-learning as Canyon County continues to see a high-risk of COVID-19.

‘A lot to learn’: 27-year teacher goes digital during coronavirus

For the first time in her career, Kristin Barrus won’t greet students at her classroom door but through a computer screen from home.

Analysis: For Idaho higher education, a pandemic makes old problems worse

Idaho’s higher education system faces a challenge that could not have been imagined this time a year ago: opening campuses to thousands of students, from across the state and around the world, during a global health crisis. But now, its old problems are even more daunting.