
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

Sports can mean everything to teens. They did to me.

I feel for those who might miss out on senior year activities that — for me — became lifelong memories.

Little, State Board of Education push for schools to reopen

Local school officials are still expected to come up with their own local reopening plans.

Coronavirus: Amid another case record, Central District Health discusses outbreak

Despite the sharp increase in cases, St. Luke’s Health System chief medical officer James Souza held out hope for reopening schools in the fall, if school officials plan ahead. “It’s about proximity and the air that we share.”

President Trump sent a clear message to public schools and universities: Get open

“We’re very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to reopen the schools,” Trump said Tuesday. Idaho Gov. Brad Little will respond on Thursday.

Little: Ignoring health guidelines jeopardizes school reopening

Little will present his school reopening plan Thursday. Sports could also be addressed in the plan.

Fall sports could significantly complicate reopening schools amid pandemic

“It only takes one positive case to basically shut down an entire team, or potentially an entire school, for up to several weeks.”

Little’s school reopening committee plans to release guidance Thursday

Sports could be another obstacle to reopening next month. While some districts are planning for in-person classes, Idaho law allows public health districts and the State Board of Education to order schools closed.

Boise State reopens campus to some employees

Reopening the workplace — at least partially — is a precursor to reopening Boise State University to students in seven weeks.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (7.3.20 edition)

For the second successive week, Idaho has reported a record spike in coronavirus cases. The state also reported a one-day peak in new cases Friday — for the second time this week.