
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

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Analysis: A novel virus exposes an old rift within Idaho’s GOP

Arguably, the deepest and most bitter split in Idaho politics can be found within its dominant Republican Party. The coronavirus pandemic didn’t create the rift, but instead brought it into public view.

Idaho’s all-star teachers share ups-and-downs of distance learning

In a webinar with State Superintendent Sherri Ybarra, former teachers of the year shared their technical — and emotional —insights.

Idaho Press: Nearly 372,000 Idahoans request primary election ballots

That surprising surge of interest could translate into record turnout for a primary — if voters actually turn in their ballots.

Little addresses questions, reservations about reopening

“Everything we do is we’re trying to maintain that social distancing,” Little said.

Unfamiliar math strategies complicate distance-learning for parents and teachers

Some parents say they’ve struggled to teach their kids math methods they never learned in school.

This week’s coronavirus trendline (5.15.20 edition)

As the state takes another step to reopen businesses Saturday, the state has reported a slight uptick in coronavirus cases.

Democratic leaders: Little’s budget cuts would worsen ‘disruption’ in education

Idaho’s schools were already in an “extremely precarious” position before the coronavirus pandemic, Democratic legislative leaders said Thursday, and a $99 million budget cut would only make matters worse.

Little eases coronavirus restrictions — and urges Idahoans to remain vigilant

“Prosperity and safety are not binary,” Little said Thursday, as he announced plans to allow more businesses to reopen. “They are not either-or.”

Analysis: In keeping with the times, Idaho holds an unpredictable primary election

Idaho elections are frequently good for a surprise or two. But this spring’s primary is even more unpredictable than usual.

Colleges and universities hope to bring students back in the fall

But with the uncertainty of the coming months, they also are preparing to continue online course work. Find out the plans of each institution.