
Our newsroom is determined to provide you with the most recent and relevant information available on how the coronavirus is impacting our schools, communities and state. We will try daily to get updates and answers from state and school leaders.

As a public awareness service, we want to keep you informed so you can be prepared. Please tell us how we can help you. What questions do you have? Let us know what’s happening in your schools and community. email us at: [email protected].

Analysis: A $30 million testing plan won’t erase schools’ COVID-19 challenges

Because the testing program is voluntary, it won’t do any good in some schools. And even where the tests take place, parents might not get data they can use to make informed decisions about their kids’ health and safety.

Thousands of West Ada parents line up to opt their children out of masking

A line extended around the building early Wednesday afternoon. Parents said it was a minor inconvenience.

Leaders contemplate mask mandates as school year begins

At least 13 Idaho districts and charters are requiring masks. West Ada decided to require staff to wear masks and students can opt out with a parent’s permission.

‘People have to choose to do the right thing:’ In AARP call, Little pushes for vaccinations

Rising vaccination numbers could be a linchpin to keeping schools in session this fall, Gov. Brad Little said again Tuesday. Meanwhile, federal money for K-12 coronavirus testing could be on its way shortly.

Coronavirus case numbers, hospitalizations continue summer surge

COVID-19-related ICU admissions surged to a record high last week. New case numbers climbed for the seventh consecutive week.

As schools prepare to open, coronavirus case numbers continue to climb

New weekly coronavirus cases eclipsed the 4,000 plateau for the first time since January — and hospitalizations continued a similar surge.

West Ada family splits up to navigate COVID-affected school year

With an immunocompromised sister at home, 16-year-old Lili will move in with her grandparents so she can attend school in-person during her junior year.

Idaho parents: Yellow signals “no” to mask mandates

Parents are organizing at board meetings, on websites, social media platforms and with dress codes to make sure they are heard.

Little calls for back-to-school vaccines

Children under 12 cannot receive the vaccine, so they need adults to “make the right decision,” the governor said.

Boise parents voice frustrations over mask rules, Caldwell keeps masks optional

Parents in the Boise School District are upset about the board’s recent decision to require masks for the start of the school year. But many more are upset about what they consider a lack of transparency.