East Idaho

Debate swirls around Teton’s $30 million bond issue

Supporters of the bond cite a laundry list of fixes. Those opposed say the district could do it for much less.

Opposition to Idaho Falls’ $110 million bond issue gains traction

A grassroots group is attacking the district’s claim that the measure won’t trigger a tax hike.

Snake River students turned over to juvenile justice system

Bingham County detectives had been investigating the Aug. 27 incident, which occurred at the school and left another juvenile injured. 

Bonneville homeowners pay a growing price for growth

Rampant growth and a developing tax base have wafted local property taxes to unprecedented levels compared to districts of similar size.

Jefferson County won’t ban classic novel

Administrators say alternative assignments will be provided to students concerned about a sexually charged passage in the book.

Jefferson County administrators consider banning classic novel

The prospect of banning a book in this East Idaho district fueled a social media firestorm this week.

Church missions continue to drag down Idaho’s first-year college go-on rates

Students in East Idaho are more likely to go on a two-year mission right out of high school, which affects first-year college go-on rates.

Police investigating student injury at Snake River High

A teacher at the school may be linked to the incident, though police aren’t yet providing details about the case, which is still under review.

West Side stories: Life after high school

This small, rural Idaho school churned out a 100 percent graduation rate in 2016. About half went on to college, a ratio that mirrors Idaho’s statewide go-on rate. Here are some of their stories on life after high school.

Education news briefs from across East Idaho

One East Idaho school district wants all freshmen to have a free laptop. Another wants to float big-money bond issue later this month. Read these stories and others in this week’s East Idaho briefs package.