Idaho Education Network
Supreme Court: Idaho Education Network contract void
Tuesday’s Supreme Court ruling won’t affect schools directly, but it could cost Idaho taxpayers $25 million.
Broadband: No ruling in Supreme Court hearing
Attorneys for the state and Internet vendors had their day before the Idaho Supreme Court — and adhered to familiar arguments.
Idaho’s big-money broadband battle rages on in court
The Idaho Education Network is dead. But the state and its vendors have tens of millions of dollars riding on a state Supreme Court appeal.
Broadband legal bills climb, again …
Still in dispute: More than $930,000 in legal fees the state may owe to Syringa Networks, the company that successfully sued to overturn the Idaho Education Network contract.
Lawmakers recommend state broadband committee
The State Department of Education-led commission would help school districts secure local high-speed Internet contracts.
Lawmakers: No Idaho Education Network, Version 2.0
A legislative committee said it wanted no part of a statewide system that “mirrors” the failed statewide school broadband network.
State’s broadband costs fall $5 million below projections
One big reason for the savings: School districts have tapped into federal funds that were cut off during the Idaho Education Network contract dispute.
Vendor: School broadband savings should hold
Monday’s hearing was partly a postmortem from the Idaho Education Network contract fiasco, as a procession of vendors presented options to the state.
Broadband committee will head back to school — in October
The legislative panel has been assigned to study Internet options for schools and state agencies.
Idaho’s broadband legal bill tops $1 million
The legal bill from the Idaho Education Network fiasco continues to rise — with $170,000 in new costs since March.