Idaho Education Network
Audit: most schools don’t use broadband equipment
The audit performed by contractor Eide Bailly shows 53 percent of schools audited are not using Idaho Education Network equipment.
Broadband: Idaho may be on its own for funding until 2016
On Tuesday, the state laid out its timetable to rebid the Idaho Education Network project.
State will rebid broadband contract — but when?
In the meantime, districts are urged to pursue their own funding to keep broadband in Idaho high schools.
Otter hires Goedde to work on broadband issue
The former state senator will be paid $4,000 a month to sort out the Idaho Education Network fiasco.
Broadband panel lawyers up, makes no decisions
The committee of lawmakers and education officials discussed the ongoing Idaho Education Network lawsuit Tuesday.
Broadband capacity could become issue in IEN dispute
Broadband system benefitting Idaho high schools could reach capacity by spring if usage continues and state officials do not intervene to upgrade the system.
Idaho’s broadband mess: what legislators are saying
Questions about the Idaho Education Network contract are coming from both sides of the aisle.
State broadband committee lawyers up
A committee of state and school officials and legislators are discussing the Idaho Education Network Friday, behind closed doors.
Video: Discussing the broadband contract mess
In this week’s “Making the Grade” segment, we discuss the Idaho Education Network contract — and what may happen next.
State asks judge to reconsider broadband ruling
The motion comes eight days after a district judge tossed out the $60 million deal for the Idaho Education Network high school broadband contract.