school elections
Voters green light a pair of rural school bonds
Voters lent the Homedale and West Jefferson school districts the two-thirds support they needed for approval.
School elections: McCall-Donnelly bond issue passes, Bonneville levies fail
Voters said yes to $224.3 million in ballot measures, but a smattering of levies failed.
March 9: A $299.6 million school election day
Forty-five of Idaho’s 115 school districts will seek bond issues or property tax levies. See what’s on the ballot in your corner of the state.
Tuesday elections: West Ada, Middleton run repeat levies
In another Tuesday school election, the West Jefferson School District will seek a bond issue to replace a cafeteria and kitchen.
An unusual $78.1 million election day for Idaho schools
The coronavirus pandemic is forcing the state to hold an unprecedented vote-by-mail election. Fifteen school districts have levies or bond issues on the ballot.
School elections: Pocatello, Nampa, Kamiah levies pass
All told, 41 school districts sought $174 million in levies Tuesday.
Tuesday’s election day tally: 41 districts, $174 million in levies
Tuesday’s school elections — which coincide with presidential primaries — aren’t as far-reaching as standalone election dates in recent years.
School election consolidation bill heads to House floor
Rep. Wendy Horman and Sen. Lori Den Hartog say their bill will improve voter turnout and engagement. Education groups oppose the bill, which would eliminate March and August school elections.
Coming Tuesday: A first-of-its-kind school election day
For the first time, Idaho voters will elect school trustees during a November election. But many voters won’t even notice the difference, because most school board races are uncontested so won’t appear on the ballot.
School elections: Vallivue bond vote too close to call, others fall short
The nailbiter in Canyon County was symptomatic of a rocky election day across the state. See complete results inside.