Superintendent Tom Luna
Luna’s announcement: reactions
House Speaker Scott Bedke said Luna’s decision to step aside after this term illustrates the state’s commitment to implementing the 20 recommendations from an education reform task force.
Luna’s election announcement, Storified
It was an eventful and surprising day in Idaho political and education circles. Here’s a quick, real-time look at how the story went down Monday.
Analysis: Luna’s budget, Version 2.0
More money to help school districts still reeling from the recession. Money for the teacher salary base. Superintendent Tom Luna’s 2014-15 budget rewrite contains two significant changes, perhaps reflecting the political realities of the moment.
Analysis: Luna’s push for Internet taxes
Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna renewed his call for Internet sales taxes Wednesday. What might that say about the state of the 2014 superintendent’s race?
Luna changes course on Common Core test
Originally, all Idaho students in grades 3-11 were required to take the new test this spring. Now, schools will be allowed to opt out of testing ninth and 10th graders.
Video: An education issues roundup
Talking a range of education-related issues: state revenue projections, a Statehouse Common Core showdown, school levies and the latest on the state superintendent’s race.
Teacher pay overlooked in governor’s budget
Superintendent Tom Luna and the Idaho Education Association agree that Otter should have put money into teacher compensation. Luna vows to “fight” to ensure teachers get more money.
Luna joins ‘Chiefs for Change’ group
Tom Luna joins a group of current and former state school superintendents focused on education reform. The group is funded by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s education reform nonprofit foundation.
Luna, districts clash over assessment issues
State superintendent Tom Luna isn’t changing his mind about field-testing a lengthy test built around Common Core standards. But the state will look at some possible changes to address district superintendents’ concerns.
Luna questions K-12 endowment payouts
Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna says the state’s endowment strategy may be shortchanging current students.