Twin brothers win separate holiday art contests 

Arjun and Aryan Eruvuru with their friends and families when Arjun received his award. Photo courtesy of Boise School District.

Arjun and Aryan Eruvuru toddled into the kitchen at the age of three, crayons in hand. “Draw us Lightning McQueen!” they requested. Their mother obliged, tracing one car for each twin boy and handing it back to them to color.

By the age of four, their coloring had turned into sketching, and they had their favorites. For Arjun it was cows, for Aryan, school buses.

A selection of Aryan’s school bus drawings from around ages 3-6. Photos courtesy of Anjali Kambhampati

Now 10 and fifth-graders in the Boise School District, they have moved on from cows and buses to winning holiday art contests. Both took first place in separate art contests this year.

Arjun, who goes to Hawthorne Elementary, was selected by the St. Alphonsus Foundation as one of two winners of the Boise School District’s holiday card art contest.

Arjun’s winning submission for the BSD holiday card art contest

Aryan from Trail Wind Elementary won the Idaho Department of Education holiday card contest for fifth graders.

Aryan’s winning submission for the Idaho Department of Education holiday card contest

The boys entered different contests because “our mom didn’t want us competing against each other,” Aryan explained. They both used oil pastels and acrylic paints as main mediums for their works.

Though the brothers share a birthday and a passion for making art, they don’t go about their process the same. Arjun described how he often watches an instructional video and takes his time, perfecting every detail. Aryan tends to work fast and do many drafts.

Aryan’s father, Surendranath Eruvuru, expanded stating, “He does [his drawings] in like 10 minutes. Just goes, gets a paper, draws it, says ‘ah, I don’t like it’ throws it away and gets another one.”

For his holiday card, Aryan recounted, “I tried so hard, I worked on so many sketches…and then I finally came up with [my idea].”

Despite their different techniques, both brothers get results. They have won multiple contests before these, including Arjun winning card contests in second grade for all Idaho second graders and in third grade for all of Boise schools. Aryan and Arjun have also both been accepted to the nationwide Celebrating Art contest.

One of Arjun’s submissions for Celebrating Art. Photo courtesy of Anjali Kambhampati.

Aryan expressed his surprise at winning after not being chosen for last year’s contest. “I thought I would never win for the rest of my life!” he lamented.

The boys give credit to their art teacher Simonne Reinier, who instructs them from her home each week. According to the boys’ parents, Reinier charges little but invests much in the boys, helping with supplies and giving them freedom in their art.

Reinier spoke fondly of the boys, saying, “they are bright, eager, funny boys with the biggest personalities. Arjun is meticulous and precise, takes his time and plans out his work. Aryan isn’t afraid to jump right in; he loves to work large and bold and his pieces are bright and colorful. It’s been my complete pleasure to have them in my class.”


A peacock drawn by Aryan. Photo courtesy of Anjali Kambhampati.

The twins are known as artists in their schools. “When we do an art project [in class]” Arjun explained, “everyone’s always just staring at me. [They want my help] all the time!”

In the future, the boys hope to continue to develop their art skills, though Arjun might also pursue his other passion- tennis. Aryan aspires to be a cartoonist when he grows up.


Katie McGuire

Katie McGuire

Katie McGuire is a freelance reporter for EdNews. She lives in Meridian with her husband and their two children. She has a bachelor's degree in secondary education social science teaching from Brigham Young University and a master's in history from Kent State University.

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