Voices from the Idaho EdNews Community

Capitol Notes from the ISBA, March 11


This past week we were able to move two of our pieces of legislation out of the House Education Committee. They passed out of Committee on a party line vote. We expect to present the final House bill on Monday morning and then begin presentations and debate on four bills in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.

It is Late In the Session

The Joint Finance Appropriations Committee (JFAC) set the final state budget on Friday. History shows that the legislature usually goes home or “sine die” two weeks after the budget is set. And, the Pro Tem and Speaker are indicating that they plan to do that.

So, that means we have two weeks to move these bills through both the House and Senate in the next two weeks. In addition to our legislation, we will also have several other pieces of legislation that we will be working on as well. I will detail those below.

Memorandum of Understanding

How Do We Make Sure That We Will Get Good Data to Give to the Committee? As I explained to you last week, the ISBA created a MOU for the ISBA, IEA, and IASA that would compel all of us to advise our respective association members to negotiate in good faith so that we can collect good data over the next year.

Unfortunately, the IEA declined to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. The ISBA and the IASA have still signed the agreement and will still advise our members to do everything they can to make sure we don’t try to manipulate the data in any way so that we can collect sound data throughout negotiations this year. While they declined to sign the MOU, we are still hopeful that they will comply with the conditions set out in the document.

Penni Cyr, President of the IEA, presented their opposition to one of our bills this last Friday and was questioned about why they didn’t sign the MOU. Ms. Cyr indicated that they could not compel their affiliates. We believe there is a clause in the MOU that clarifies that the State Associations are not responsible for what each local organization does. In any case, we think not signing the MOU has hurt them.

So What Are the Final Bills and Where Are We in the Process?

Below I have listed the pieces of legislation and whether or not we have reached consensus.

Bills That Have Been Agreed Upon and Do Not Contain Sunset Clauses
1. Electronic Signatures – HB163
a. This bill will continue to move forward as is.
b. Both ISBA and IEA will support this bill
c. There is no sunset clause on this bill.
d. This bill is awaiting the Governor’s signature.

2. Open Negotiations – SB1098
a. This bill will continue to move forward as is.
b. Both ISBA and IEA will support this bill.
c. There is no sunset clause on this bill.
d. This bill has been approved by the Senate, the House Education Committee and is awaiting a hearing on the House Floor.

Bills That Will Not Contain Sunset Clauses
3. Unpaid Leave – HB259
a. This bill sets out the requirements under which an employee can be placed on unpaid administrative leave.
b. There will be no sunset clause on this bill.
c. The IEA opposes this bill
d. This bill passed out of the House Education Committee and is awaiting a hearing on the House Floor.

4. 50% + 1 and Majority Ratification – SB1149
a. These two elements will run in one bill.
b. At the IEA’s request, we have made an amendment to make this language permissive. If the school district wants to request the proof, they may. If they don’t, the school district does not have to ask.
c. The IEA opposes this bill.
d. This bill will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.

5. De Novo Hearings – SB1150
a. This bill sets out new requirements for teacher terminations that are appealed to the district court.
b. The IEA may run a companion bill that sets out criteria for the hiring of hearing officers in these cases.
c. There will be no sunset clause.
d. The IEA will oppose this bill.
e. This bill will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.

Bills That Will Contain Sunset Clauses
6. Last Best Offer and Mediation – HB260
a. These two elements will run in one bill.
b. There will be a one (1) year sunset clause on this bill.
c. The IEA opposes this bill.
d. This bill passed out of the House Education Committee and is awaiting a hearing on the House Floor.

7. One Year Agreement/Evergreen – SB1147
a. This will run as a separate bill with one element.
b. There will be a one (1) year sunset clause on this bill.
c. The IEA will remain silent.
d. This bill will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.

8. Reduction in Force and Seniority – HB261
a. ISBA agreed to use language proposed by the IEA with one change.
i. IEA requested that all school districts adopt a policy about recalling those employees who had been reduced in staff. We asked to make that language permissive so that the school district could adopt such a policy if they wished but did not have to do so.
b. There will be a one (1) year sunset clause on this bill.
c. IEA will support this bill.
d. This bill passed out of the House Education Committee and is awaiting a hearing on the House Floor.
9. Reducing Salaries – SB1148
a. This legislation is being redrafted as one bill.
b. There will be a one (1) year sunset clause on this bill.
c. IEA will oppose this legislation.
d. This bill will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.


There are now two pieces of legislation printed on the issue of the repeal of the Business Personal Property Tax. One, RS22194 is from the Idaho Association of Commerce of Industry (IACI). They are attempting a phased out full repeal of this tax with what they describe as “full” replacement dollars. IACI seems to have a different idea about what full replacement means than that of ISBA. For IACI, full replacement means holding school districts harmless for the term of their current supplemental levy (1-2 years). After that, school districts would be on their own. All supplemental levies from that point on would need to be run without the ability to tax Business Personal Property.

The other bill, HB272, is one that the ISBA, Association of Cities, and Association of Counties are forwarding to offer as a counterproposal to IACI’s bill. This bill does the following:

  • Establishes a de minimis exemption for new items purchased after January 1, 2013 with a purchase price of $1,500 or less.
  • Implements the $100,000 exemption effective January 1, 2013 with full replacement.
  • Provides for a streamlined application process, removing burden of reporting from taxpayer.

ISBA believes that HB272 is a much more reasonable approach and we are hopeful that the legislature will see this as well. However, staff needs your help in contacting your legislators on this issue and presenting testimony when these bills are heard. Both bills will be heard on Tuesday morning in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. If you are concerned about the impact of the repeal of Business Personal Property Tax on your district, please consider contacting your legislators and/or testifying at the hearings.


I know many of you have been concerned about the current use it or lose it provision. The IASA did get HB275 was printed this last week. This bill keeps the provision in place that allows school districts to hire 9.5% fewer teachers than they are eligible to hire. This bill also has a one year sunset clause. The purpose of the sunset clause is see if the Governor’s Education Task Force addresses this issue. If they do not, we will most likely rewrite this legislation to allow for a phase out to no lower than 5%.


After having two sections of the K-12 public education budget pulled and sent to the germane education committees and after considerable debate in the Senate Education Committee, JFAC finally approved the budget for FY14. The budget contains several favorable pieces to public education:

  • An overall 2% increase in funding
  • Both steps on the grid that were previously frozen have been funded
  • The 1.67% that was previously reduced has been reinstated
    Note: Salary grid is now back where it was prior to the recession
  • There is a slight increase in discretionary funds

Breakdown of the $34 million to be used for education reform (one time monies)

  • $21 million for Differential Pay (Pay for Performance)
  • 40% can be used for Professional Development for Common Core
  • School districts do not have to apply for these dollars
  • Plans will be created at the school district level

Karen’s Note: After rejecting Prop 2 which contained the Pay for Performance piece of the legislation and objecting to anything that has not been vetted by the Education Task Force, the IEA stood up in support of this part of the budget.

  • $13.4 million will be expended or distributed for various technology items


On Friday afternoon an Answer and Demand for Jury Trial was submitted in behalf of the School Consortium defendants who have been served in the lawsuit by Dr. Joki. This Answer outlined the fundamental defenses that will be raised. In addition a motion was filed with the court asking the court to dismiss the entirety of the suit. The basis of this request included such matters as the statutory process necessary to pursue constitutionally based educational claims, the issue of whether or not “grandparents” who were not legally responsible to pay any school fees have standing to sue school districts throughout the state.

If the court refuses to dismiss the case at this early stage, the motion also addressed that Ada County is only the proper venue for school districts based in Ada County. This Motion is scheduled to be heard on March 25th, the same day scheduled for hearing on the Plaintiff’s Motion to Certify the Class Action. The School Consortium memorandum in opposition to this request for class certification will be filed in the next week.

This state of Idaho’s Motion to Dismiss, which has been pending for months, will be heard by the Court this week.


HB0065 – FY13 Funding from SCF
This legislation brings back the $30.1 million in funding for FY13 that was lost in the repeal of Students Come First.
Status: Passed the House Floor and is headed to the Senate Education Committee.
Note: There has been some discussion on this bill and a clause in the bill that allows some of these dollars to remain in the SDE’s budget rather than being distributed to school districts. This legislation MAY be amended. Either way, it will still move through and dollars will be distributed to school districts.

HB72 – Charitable Contributions to School Foundations
Under current Idaho Code Section 63-3029A, voluntary donations to qualified higher education institutions, elementary or secondary institutions and specified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations located in Idaho receive an income tax credit for charitable contributions. In order to take advantage of these credits, many eligible entities are required to form separately governed nonprofit foundations that are tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). This amendment would establish a mechanism through the Idaho Community Foundation whereby small organizations would have the option to deposit their funds into a dedicated account. This dedicated account would be established to exclusively support the charitable purpose that would otherwise qualify the donor for the tax credit.
Status: This bill has passed both the House and Senate and is awaiting the Governor’s Signature.

HB0084 – Clarifies Procedures for Inspection After Building Deemed Unsafe
This legislation deals with those school districts that have a building that has been deemed unsafe by the Division of Building Safety but the school district is still unable to get a bond passed. It clarifies several issues. This legislation would amend section 33-909, Idaho code to specify that all approved projects remain under the purview of the panel until finalized. These changes will eliminate any jurisdictional conflicts with local agencies by specifying the Division of Building Safety’s responsibility in regards toinspection and issuance of certificates of occupancy.
Status: This bill is now law.

HB205 – Repealing the Freeze on the Grid for Education Credits
This legislation deals with the frozen movement on the state’s funding grid for educator salaries for those educators who earned additional college credits applicable to FY11. SB 1184 (2011) previously repealed this freeze. The repeal of SB 1184 through Proposition 3 reinstated the freeze. This legislation reinstates the repeal of the freeze, which will allow school districts to receive full state funding for actual college credits earned by their professional educator employees.
Status: This bill has was put on hold for several days in the Senate Education Committee but is scheduled for a hearing on Monday.

HB206 – Facility Funding for Charter Schools
This legislation includes the financial components of the recommendations made by a group of stakeholders that met and examined Idaho’s charter school laws from June 2012 through February 2013. The two recommendations with fiscal impact include a new requirement that charter schools pay an authorizer fee to the entity that authorized their charter and oversees their performance. The purpose of this fee is to help defray the authorizer’s cost of providing oversight, and in defraying such costs, to encourage more school districts to act as authorizers for charter schools.

The second recommendation with a fiscal impact involves the creation of a state facilities funding stream for charter schools. Currently, charter schools have no discrete, identified source of revenue to pay for their facility costs. School districts pay for facilities through voter authorization of bond and plant facility levies. In addition, school districts have received state subsidies for bond levy repayment costs since FY04. Charter schools, lacking these sources of revenue, must divert state funds intended for employee salaries and operating costs to pay for facilities. The state facilities funding created for charter schools by this legislation is pegged to a percentage of the average amount of facility levy funds being raised by school districts, on a per student basis.

For FY14, the distribution would be equal 20% this amount. For FY15, this percentage would increase to 30%. After this, the percentage would increase or decrease in 10% increments, based on triggers built around the level of increase or decrease in the public schools appropriation. The percentage is limited to a low of 20% and a high of 50%.
Status: This bill has passed the House Floor and had a partial hearing in the Senate Education Committee. It is scheduled to be heard again on Monday.

HB218 – School Bond Amortization
A number of provisions in the Idaho Code governing issuance of school bonds need to be updated, modernized and made consistent with other provisions of Idaho Code. The legislation eliminates obsolete provisions. It also replaces vague language with objective measures of when a school district’s bond amortization plan requires the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and specifically limits bond amortization to no more than 30 years. The legislation eliminates conflicting provisions relating to refunding/refinancing bonds, and makes a technical correction for refunding bonds relating to compliance with the State bond guaranty program under Chapter 53 of Title 33, Idaho Code.
Status: This bill passed the House Floor and is headed to the Senate Education Committee.

HB221 – Charter School Oversight
This legislation includes the governance and oversight components of the recommendations made by a group of stakeholders that met and examined Idaho’s charter school laws from June 2012 through February 2013. The major
recommendations in this legislation are as follows:
1.) Eliminate notices of defect.
2.) Require periodic renewals of all public charter schools.
3.) Create performance contracts for charter schools.
4.) Create a process that allows school-district authorized charter schools to become LEAs.
5.) Allow the State Department of Education to reduce the front-loading of charter school funding if notified by the school’s authorizer that the school is fiscally unsound.
6.) Provide for procedures upon dissolution of a charter school.
7.) Allow additional authorizers (Colleges & Universities and certain approved 501(c)(3) organizations).
8.) Establish standards and oversight for 501(c)(3) organizations that wish to become charter school authorizers.
9.) Allow for direct approval of public charter schools by Colleges & Universities and approved 501(c)(3) organizations, while maintaining the law’s current school district notification and feedback procedures.
10.) Reform the qualifications and appointing authorities for members of the Public Charter School Commission, to better align Idaho law with best practices.
Status: This bill has passed the House Floor and will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Monday.

HB224 – Contract Transition
This legislation clarifies that the employments contracts signed by educators for the2012-2013 school year will continue to be governed by the laws that existed at the time the contracts were entered into. While the state’s legal guidance to school districts has been told that this is already the case, this legislation provides greater certainty, and in doing so, seeks to prevent unnecessary lawsuits.
Status: This bill passed the House Floor and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Education Committee.

HB225 – Flooring Protection Clarification
This legislation clarifies which version of Section 33-1003, Idaho Code is current law. After the repeal of SB 1108 (2011) through Proposition 1, the Attorney General’s Office has written that the version established separately and more recently by HB 603 (2012) takes precedence over the 2010 version of the statute. The published version of Idaho Code, however, does not recognize the changes brought about by HB 603 in 2012, and show Section 33-1003 reverting to its 2010 version after the repeal of SB 1108. This legislation clarifies that it is the version passed in HB 603 by the 2012 Legislature that is the current version of Section 33-1003. HB 603 (2012) established a self-funded, 97% ADA funding protection for Idaho school districts, starting in FY13. This replaced the 97% state funded ADA funding protection that was put in place for one year only for FY12.
Status: This bill passed the House Floor and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Education Committee.

HB226 – Alternative School Funding
This legislation provides a way to calculate support units for the Idaho Youth Challenge program. Under the state’s current laws and rules, the State Department of Education would be unable to recognize all of the students who attend the program, due to its accelerated, cohort-based approach to education.
Status: This bill passed the House Floor and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Education Committee.

HB227 – Tax Credits
This bill provides a credit on state income taxes to individuals and corporations that make donations to scholarship granting organizations (SGO’s) that provide scholarships to qualified K-12 students attending approved schools.

The bill provides a tax credit to individuals and corporations that make donations to scholarship granting organizations (SGO’s). For individuals, the credit is equal to the full amount of the donation. For corporations, the credit is equal to the full amount of the donation up to 50% of the corporate taxpayer’s total state tax liability. The total amount of credits is limited to $10 million in each fiscal year. If the cap is reached, the cap will automatically increase according to the increase in the consumer price index. There are restrictions on which students qualify for scholarships under the program. Eligibility is limited to students who:
a.) have household incomes less than 150% of the maximum income that can be earned to qualify for the national free and reduced price lunch program (185% of the federal poverty level), and
b.) attended a public school in the preceding semester, are entering kindergarten or first grade, or are starting school in Idaho for the first time, and
c.) reside in Idaho and attend a school located in Idaho while receiving an educational scholarship.
Projected state savings: $3,350,672
Projected local savings: $2,490,900
Projected savings overall: $5,841,572
Status: This bill has been printed and is awaiting a hearing in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee.

HB275 – Use it or Lose It
This legislation allows Public Schools use it or lose it flexibility in staffing certificated positions. A district may employ nine and one-half percent (9.5%) fewer positions without a reduction in the number of funded positions being imposed.
Status: This bill has been printed in the House Education Committee and should be heard this week.

HCR003 – Cursive Writing
This is a concurrent resolution, not a statutory change. This concurrent resolution requests that the State Board of Education commence rulemaking to provide thatcursive handwriting be taught in the public schools of the State of Idaho.
Status: This concurrent resolution passed both the House and Senate. Because it is a concurrent resolution, it does not require the Governor’s signature.

SB1005 – Prohibits SBOE from Passing Online Requirement
This legislation establishes a prohibition on the establishment of online class requirements for high school graduation by the State Board of Education or the State Department of Education without the express authorization of the Idaho Legislature.
Status: This bill was printed in Senate Ed but has yet to receive a hearing.

SB1026 – Signatures for Referenda
While this legislation is not education related, if passed, it will have an impact on any referenda that may be brought forward in the future. This legislation addresses the balance between urban and rural voters in the question of qualifying initiatives or referendums for the ballot. It would require collecting signatures of not less than 6% of registered voters in each of at least 22 Idaho legislative districts, provided that the total number of signatures equals at least 6% of the number of registered voters in the state.
Status: This bill was pulled and rewritten in a new form.

SB1028 – Mastery Advancement Program
This bill would end the pilot phase for the Mastery Advancement Program, removing language limiting the availability to school districts and the duration of the program.
Status: This bill is now law.

SB1054 – High School Reading Requirement
This bill would require all high school students to read Atlas Shrugged before graduating. The sponsor indicates that in an age when personal responsibility is waning, this high school graduation requirement will stimulate debate.
Status: This bill was printed in Senate Ed but will likely never have a hearing.

SB1055 – Posting Information on the District Website
This legislation reinstates requirement that school budgets and master labor agreements be posted on a district’s website.
Status: This bill passed the Senate Floor and the House Education Committee and is being heard on the House Floor.

SB1056 – Denying Enrollment for Convicted Felons
This legislation would require the School Board to deny enrollment at any of its schools to anyone who has been imprisoned for one year or more, unless five years or more have elapsed since their pardon. We have strong reservations about this bill and the requirement that all students remain in school. In addition, the Department of Corrections also has concerns about this legislation
Status: This bill was pulled by the sponsor. It is unclear if he will bring an amended bill back this session.

SB1057aa – Instructional Staff Time Allowance to Visit Parents
The purpose of this bill is to facilitate kindergarten teachers visiting with parents to help strengthen the working relationship between the teacher, the parents or guardians, and the student.
Status: This bill was amended and passed the Senate Floor and the House Education Committee. It is on the House Floor for debate.

SB1085 – School Counseling Act
This legislation would direct that Idaho schools provide, on a full time basis, a ratio of one (1) school counselor per three hundred twenty-five (325) students, as well as providing for an experience and education multiplier to determine counselors’ salaries.
Status: This bill was printed in Senate Education but will likely never receive a hearing.SB1086 – Education Class Sizes
This legislation would establish a maximum number of students assigned to each teacher, with these limits being eighteen (18) students per class for grades K through 3, twenty-two (22) students per class for grades 4 through 8, and twenty-five (25) for grades 9 through 12.
Status: This bill was printed in Senate Education but will likely never receive a hearing.

SB1087 – Academic Progress for Driver’s Licenses
Proof of attendance in school has been a requirement for obtaining a driver’s license for applicants under the age of 18. This bill would also require applicants to provide proof that they are making satisfactory academic progress. The express intent of this bill is to provide an incentive for improving student learning.
Status: This bill was held in the Senate Education Committee.

SB1088 – School District Consolidation
This legislation provides for a protocol to identify districts that would see financial savings by consolidating services, as well as providing for incentives to encourage consolidation.
Status: This bill was printed in Senate Education and is awaiting a hearing.

SB1089 – Teacher Early Retirement Incentive Program
This legislation repeals the Early Retirement Incentive program for teachers. This program distributes bonuses to teachers who are at least age 55 and are retiring before age 63 and before reaching their PERSI Rule of 90. The bonuses are paid over the summer, after completion of their teaching duties. The program was originally established in 1996 as a way to encourage the retirement of teachers who did not wish to receive technology training and incorporate technology into instruction. All remaining teachers have long since received this training, and it has been a requirement in Idaho teacher preparation programs for many years. It has been claimed that this program saves the state money by encouraging more higher paid, veteran teachers to retire and be replaced by younger, lower paid teachers. However, Idaho’s actual experience has shown that the number of teachers retiring early has remained essentially unchanged during the most recent two years, in which the program was repealed, as compared to the previous five years. Thus, the program does not appear to have functioned as anincentive to encourage more teachers to retire, but rather, as an extra bonus to those who would have retired regardless. This legislation ensures that these scarce dollars remain in the classroom, as they have been in FY12 and FY13, and are not diverted to pay bonuses to those who are no longer teaching.
Status: This bill passed the Senate and House Education Committee. It is on the House Floor for hearing.

SB1090 – Financial Emergency
Amends Idaho Code § 33-552 “Financial Emergency” by lowering two separate requirements for a local school district to declare a financial emergency, should financialconditions exist that would require the district to reduce personnel costs. Requires that the Reduction in Force (RIF) decisions, which are at the sole discretion of the board of trustees, not be made solely on seniority or contract status; further requires school districts to adopt policies establishing the methods to recall individuals who have been part of a RIF.
Status: This bill was printed in the Senate Education Committee and will likely be heard this week.

SB1091a – IDLA Funding
This legislation creates a stable, long-term funding formula for the Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA), establishes a portal for online classes, reestablishes the dual credit for the early completers program and makes technical changes to the “8 in 6” legislation.
Status: This bill was amended and passed the Senate Floor and the House Education Committee. It is on the House Floor for hearing.

SB1092 – Increased Funding for Math and Science Teachers
This legislation reinstates ongoing formula-driven funding for school districts and public charter schools to meet the state’s increased high school graduation requirements for math and science courses, which start with the Class of 2013. SB 1184 (2011) previously provided this funding to hire additional math and science teachers, or pay for the necessary online math and science classes, at local school district discretion. The repeal of SB 1184 through Proposition 3 eliminated this funding for schools.
Status: This bill passed the Senate Floor and the House Education Committee and is headed to the House Floor.
Karen’s Note: It was interesting that that the IEA testified against this bill in both the Senate and the House. We are unclear what the motive was, but they indicated that they would prefer to wait for the Governor’s Education Task Force to make recommendations.

SB1093 – Transportation Funding
This legislation codifies the Legislature’s approach to budgeting for public school pupil transportation costs and discretionary funds, which has been in place for FY11, FY12 and FY13. Under this approach, intent language was included in the appropriation bill which set aside the provisions of Section 33-1006, Idaho Code, reduced pupil transportation reimbursements by $7.5 million, and transferred the savings to state discretionary funds for public schools. This legislation eliminates the need to continue setting aside Idaho Code through intent language by moving that language into Idaho Code.
Status: This bill passed the Senate Floor and is awaiting a hearing in the House Education Committee.

SB1097a – Educating Out of State Students
This legislation will prevent Idaho school districts from having to use Idaho taxpayer funds to educate out-of-state students who are placed in Idaho group homes.
Status: This bill was amended and passed the Senate Floor and is awaiting a hearing in the House Education Committee.

SB1098 – Open Negotiations
To provide for a negotiations process that is open to the public.
Status: This bill passed the Senate Floor and the House Education Committee. It is on the House Floor for hearing.

SB1133 – School Security Plans
Intent of this legislation is to bring the complimentary core competencies of Local School Boards and Local Law Enforcement together to create, then continuously measure and improve the effectiveness of, the security and safety measures in Idaho’s K-12 Schools and transportation systems.

Having a much better understanding of the available resources within the local districts, the County Sheriffs, or their designees, will work with the local School Boards in creating, training to, and measuring the effectiveness of, individual school security and safety plans. To ensure continuous improvement, these plans will annually be measured for effectiveness, have student/staff training held, identify issues and corrections to those issues made. These measures will then be reported annually to the State Department of Education, securely (FOUO), to act as a central repository of measure
for school safety and security that are to be used in the case of an incident, as well as a repository for lessons learned that can be used in other Districts.

The results of all metrics regarding school security and safety are added to and will be exempt from Freedom of Information Act Requests in accordance with ID code 9-340B (Records Exempt from Disclosure).
Status: This bill passed the Senate Education Committee and is on the Senate Floor.


Funding – Resolution #1

This resolution contains many elements – all related to funding of public education in some way. Below is a breakdown of the pieces we are currently working on:

Bringing Back Use it or Lose it on a Permanent Basis
This bill has been printed and will be heard in House Education this week. We will continue to support this legislation.

Lottery Funds and Building Maintenance
One of the elements found in our Resolution #1 was to move the Lottery Funds back into building maintenance rather that allowing it to be used as discretionary funds. While the Governor’s proposed budget did make that change, Superintendent Luna’s budget proposal contained one-half of the replacement dollars. He indicated that if approved, he will ask for full replacement next year. We will support the Superintendent’s budget on this issue.

Charter School Oversight – Resolution #2

As previously indicated, we were able to come to agreement with the IASA, SDE, the Charter School Network, and the Charter School Coalition. There are definitely parts we like and parts that we don’t particularly care for. I always say that when both parties
like some and don’t like some that it is probably a good piece of legislation. That is the case here.

We agreed to print two bills. One bill will have all the charter school oversight language in it (we like this part) and the ability for multiple authorizers (not so crazy about this). The second bill will contain funding that will go to authorizers (we like this part) and
funding to charter schools for facilities (again, not so crazy about this). Both bills have been printed. HB206 and HB221.

There will be a net fiscal impact because of the facilities funding piece, but we feel that we struck as good a deal as we could. We agreed to support the oversight bill and remain quiet on the facilities funding bill.

PERSI Retirement for Employees in Four Day School Weeks – Resolution # 5

We have had several meetings with PERSI and have discussed the issue with superintendents in districts with four day school weeks. Because this is a rule amendment and not a legislative issue, we have a little more time to complete this. We do believe that PERSI is making some assumptions that may not be accurate and thus affecting the retirement of four day school week employees. Once the legislature has slowed down, we will pursue this more fully.

Increasing Supplemental Levies to Three (3) Years – Resolution #7

This legislation would allow school districts to run a supplemental levy for 1, 2, or 3 years. Currently, the maximum length of time for a supplemental levy is two years. We have had this resolution before and have been unable to find a sponsor for the legislation. The Boundary County School District is currently working to find a sponsor.

Non-Certificated Personnel Grievance – Resolution #8

Both the Kellogg and Meridian school districts have agreed on language on this bill. This legislation may be sidelined for this year. We have a lot on our plates and aren’t sure we can get this done this year. We will hold this for next year.

If you want to view the actual language of any piece of legislation, click here. You can search by topic or the actual bill number.

Karen Echeverria

Karen Echeverria

Karen Echeverria retired as the executive director of the Idaho School Boards Association.

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