Voices from the Idaho EdNews Community

Invent new and fun ways to learn

Education is the fuel for innovation. Getting hands-on experiences and trying new things leads to learning and improving skills to use in future careers.

Grant Meister
Grant Meister

Personally, I love to learn about STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). STEM education is a great way to explore how things work and learn about the world around us. STEM classes aren’t the only way to learn about our world — studying English, history and the arts can lead to invention, conception and design.

Schools can improve by inventing new and fun ways to learn by advancing the current technology that is available to students, teachers and even parents.

I went to code camp at Boise State University in March and was amazed. This event inspired me to get a single-board computer called the Raspberry Pi and start to test and design a small robot that I can code.

These kinds of real-world experiences are what inspire students like me. We need more of these kinds of events for Idaho’s youth, so other kids can get out there and explore the realm of possibility. Idaho’s kids deserve these opportunities.

The great thing about students that like to try new things is that you can discover what you really feel passionate about. For example, I am excited about the idea that you can use robots to help people live their everyday lives.

Quality education and opportunities for students like I received at code camp, and many others, are very important — but there are too few. Let’s work to improve our schools and get kids excited about learning and trying new things for the betterment of my future, your future and generations to come.

Grant Meister is a sixth grader at Heritage Middle School.

Grant Meister

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