It’s not everyday that we are given the opportunity to survey a survey.
That’s right. The State Department of Education has created a survey for parents and educators and now they are giving us a chance to review the survey and share our opinion, before the survey questions are finalized (October 26).
The survey questions were created by a committee of administrators, parents, teachers and board members in an effort to better understand how parents and school staff members feel about their local schools. The parent questions focus on school leadership, school resources and support, and the school’s learning environment. The survey for staff members asks questions about the school’s mission and leadership, how the school is governed and operated, school resources and support, teacher expectations, and how the school supports the staff.
These surveys have the opportunity to be informative and helpful, if the right questions are asked. I wanted to see the questions and voice my opinion, so I surveyed the survey.
If you are interested in voicing your opinion about the upcoming parent survey, you can find survey questions here, along with an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions.
If you are interested in the survey created for educators and staff members, you can find those survey questions and give feedback, here.
Happy surveying! Let me know what you think: [email protected].