Voices from the Idaho EdNews Community

Surviving summer homelessness: The reality of living in a car

Experiencing homelessness is harrowing in any season, but summer’s heat presents unique challenges. My car, which I once considered a safe haven, transformed into an unbearable oven under the relentless sun. Even in the shade, the heat was oppressive, making it hard to breathe. Nights were no better as the asphalt radiated the day’s heat, offering no respite. Maintaining hygiene was a significant struggle; finding a place to wash was nearly impossible, making job hunting a daunting task. With limited gas, using the air conditioning was a rare luxury, a brief moment of relief accompanied by the anxiety of depleting my fuel.

The emotional toll was profound, amplifying every fear and worry, compounded by the pain of being separated from loved ones. I was torn between the desperate need for help and the overwhelming desire to hide my situation out of shame. The heat intensified every worry, creating a pressure cooker environment where my thoughts and emotions were trapped with no escape.

Occasionally, I found minimal relief under a tree’s shade, but the heat was relentless. I remember the oppressive heat inside my car, every breath a struggle. Nights were equally tough, with the asphalt releasing the day’s heat long after sunset. Sleep was elusive, and each morning I woke up exhausted, drenched in sweat, and dreading the day ahead.

Hygiene was another major challenge. Public restrooms were not always available, and finding a place to wash was nearly impossible. The lack of cleanliness made it difficult to maintain any semblance of normalcy or self-respect. Job hunting was especially humiliating, as I constantly felt unkempt and ashamed of my appearance. The thought of going to an interview, knowing I hadn’t had a proper wash in days, was mortifying.

Despite these hardships, moments of kindness from strangers provided glimmers of hope. One day, a woman knocked on my car window and offered me a bottle of water and a kind word. It was a small gesture, but it felt like a lifeline. These acts of compassion reminded me of the humanity that still exists and fueled my determination to keep going.

The true turning point came when I connected with CATCH during that scorching summer. CATCH was a lifesaver. They moved me out of my hot car and into a beautiful, cool apartment. The transition was surreal, like stepping into a different world where I could finally breathe again. The simple joy of a cool room, a bed, and the ability to shower regularly brought indescribable relief and hope. I could finally sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed and human again.

Many others still endure these conditions, struggling to survive the extreme heat without any relief in sight. It’s crucial that we recognize their plight and advocate for comprehensive housing solutions. Organizations like CATCH play a vital role, but they cannot do it alone. We must come together as a community to support these efforts, ensuring that everyone has a safe, cool place to call home.

Homelessness is a crisis affecting real people with real stories and dreams. By providing shelter and basic amenities, we can restore dignity and hope to those who have lost it. Let’s work together to ensure every person and every family has a place to call home, no matter the season

Cassidy Landry

Cassidy Landry

Cassidy Landry is a devoted mother and former CATCH Participant who has been stably housed since 2019.

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