Voices from the Idaho EdNews Community

Vote against big government — vote “no” on SJR 102

A small question on your November ballot could have big, detrimental consequences for Idahoans if approved.

Idaho legislators want you, the voters, to amend our Idaho Constitution and allow them to easily call themselves back into session, setting the stage for a fulltime Legislature like California and other left-leaning states.

Idahoans need to VOTE NO on SJR 102.

I won’t just be voting no on SJR 102. I’ll be voting HELL NO!

As a former conservative Republican governor, I know firsthand you don’t want to mess with a good thing. For more than 130 years, our parttime citizen legislature has played a critical role in keeping our state on track.

Idaho is the least regulated state in the country.

Our economy is booming even amid historic inflation.

Decades of fiscal conservatism, limited government, kitchen table economics, and a business-friendly approach have positioned our state for enormous prosperity and the ability to withstand any downturn in the economy.

Controlling spending, cutting red tape, and reining in government – like we’ve done for years in Idaho – would be impossible with an overactive legislative branch.

Simply put, more legislative activity equals more government meddling and more regulations. Less legislative activity equals less government and fewer regulations. It is just common sense.

The least regulated states – like Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota – have truly parttime citizen legislators. They are everyday people who come to the Capitol to represent their districts on a limited basis and crank out the people’s work in a transparent, open process.

The most regulated states – think California, New York, Ohio, Washington, and Oregon – see constant interference from lawmakers, only adding dysfunction and division.

Do we want Idaho to become like our neighbors to the West? California, Washington, and Oregon?

Or do we want Idaho to STAY like our freedom-minded, limited government neighbor states such as Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota?

Look at Utah. Just four years ago, the voters amended their state’s Constitution to allow the Utah Legislature to call itself back into session. Since then, the Utah Legislature has held 15 legislative sessions!

Now the Idaho Legislature is asking you to pass SJR 102 and set an even lower bar than Utah’s to call themselves back.

SJR 102 requires only 60-percent of the Idaho Legislature to sign off on coming back; Utah requires two-thirds.

SJR 102 has no requirement for limiting the duration of a special session; Utah’s special sessions cannot exceed 10 days.

SJR 102 has no limit on the issues that can be considered; Utah at least requires a fiscal crisis, war, natural disaster, or other emergency.

Our system here in Idaho works just fine the way it is. It has worked well since statehood.

Idahoans need to VOTE NO on SJR 102 and resist government growth.

Idahoans need to VOTE NO on SJR 102 and stand up against wasting taxpayer money.

Idahoans need to VOTE NO on SJR 102 and defend our Constitution!


Butch Otter

Butch Otter

Butch Otter served as Governor of Idaho from 2007 to 2019. Butch Otter also served as lieutenant governor and was a U.S. Congressman from 2001 to 2007.

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